Młodzi sportowcy umierają po szczepieniu na COVID-19.

Młodzi sportowcy umierają po szczepieniu na COVID-19. Sportowcy, będący przykładem zdrowia, wydają się mieć zawsze przewagę względem reszty społeczeństwa. Ich wyczerpujące programy treningowe i żywieniowe w połączeniu z naturalnym atletyzmem, stawiają ich przed innymi w kategorii naturalnej odporności. Dlaczego więc młodzi sportowcy nagle upadają lub umierają z powodu powikłań sercowych?


Świat sportu w większości nakazał szczepienia, a sportowcy zostali zmuszeni albo do porzucenia kariery, albo do zaszczepienia. Odkąd szczepionki przeciw COVID stały się dostępne, prawie 300 sportowców doświadczyło zatrzymania akcji serca, a ponad 167 zmarło. Coś zatem musi być z nimi nie tak.





American Journal of Roentgenology opublikował artykuł na temat przypadków zapalenia mięśnia sercowego (tj. zawału) wśród sportowców, którzy otrzymali szczepienie. Dr Lydia Chelala z University of Chicago Medicine i jej zespół przyznali, że zgłoszono problemy z sercem „u nastolatków i młodych dorosłych po szczepieniu mRNA na COVID-19”. Ponieważ diagnozowanie zapalenia mięśnia sercowego opiera się w dużej mierze na pacjentach wykazujących objawy, to dolegliwość może być trudniejsza do wykrycia u zdrowych dorosłych. Zauważyli “W badaniu przesiewowym MRI, że serca młodych sportowców z potwierdzonym COVID-19 wskazywały, że znaczna część osób miała subkliniczne zapalenie mięśnia sercowego”. „Subkliniczne zapalenie mięśnia sercowego może być również możliwe po szczepieniu na COVID-19… Aby lepiej zrozumieć możliwy związek, CDC zachęca do dalszych badań nad zapaleniem mięśnia sercowego po szczepieniu mRNA na COVID-19” stwierdzono w badaniu.


Nie posuwając się tak daleko, by sugerować konieczność wykonania rezonansu magnetycznego po szczepieniu (bardzo kosztowna opcja w USA), naukowcy wezwali świadczeniodawców do „uznania roli rezonansu magnetycznego serca w ocenie pacjentów z podejrzeniem zapalenia mięśnia sercowego po szczepieniu na COVID-19”.


Good Science opracowało poniżej zamieszczoną listę, aby uhonorować sportowców, którzy stracili życie w wyniku przymusowych szczepień. Po przeczytaniu każdego nazwiska powtórz „Zastrzyk na COVID to normalna szczepionka. Szczepionka na COVID jest bezpieczna. Te obrażenia i zgony są normalne”.



Styczeń 2021

1. 01.01.2021, Windmore, Pensylwania, USA. Zmarł Blake Barklage (17 lat), tenisista w La Salle High School w Windmore w Pensylwanii. Upadł i zmarł z zatrzymaniem akcji serca, po zwycięstwie swojego zespołu w PCL. News Story.

2. 21.03.2011, Portugalia. Nie żyje Alex Apolinario (24 lata). Podczas meczu brazylijski piłkarz Alverca FC upada na boisku z zatrzymaniem akcji serca. Zmarł cztery dni później. News Story.

3. 09.01.2021. USA. Jordan Glenn, koszykarz z Wisconsin. Upadł w przerwie na początku pierwszej połowy. Miał wzbudzanie krążeniowo-oddechowe z użyciem defibrylatora. Przewieziony do szpitala przez pogotowie ratunkowe.

4. 22.01.2021, USA. nie żyje Hank Aaron (86), były zawodnik zawodowy baseballu, który otrzymał swoją szczepionkę na COVID 5 stycznia 2021 r., aby zademonstrować bezpieczeństwo szczepionki i zachęcić innych czarnoskórych Amerykanów do zrobienia tego samego. Zmarł dwa tygodnie później we śnie – podano że zmarł z przyczyn naturalnych. News Story.    

5. 30.01.2021 Indianapolis, USA. Nie żyje Wayne Radford (64 lata), gwiazda NBA i była gwiazda drużyny Indianapolis, zmarł w swoim domu w Indianapolis. News Story.
6. 30.01.2021, Francja. Garissone Innocent (20), bramkarz drużyny Cannes. upadł i stracił przytomność w meczu z Chamblee. Miał atak tachykardii – niezdolność mówienia lub oddychania. News Story.


Luty 2021
7. 06/02/21 Filipiny. Nie żyje Clement Lucchu (25 lat), kameruński koszykarz. Zagrał w Manili na Filipinach. Doznał ataku serca i zmarł. News Story.

8. 11/02/21, Walia. Nie żyje Logan Luker (17), gracz rugby Youth Captain w Penygraig RFC zmarł nagle. News Story.

9. 21.02.21 Chorwacja. Zmarł Zlatko Saracevich (59 lat) (były zawodnik Jugosławii w piłce ręcznej i mistrz świata w piłce ręcznej), zdobył złoto z Chorwacją na olimpiadzie w Atlancie i był niedawnym trenerem piłki ręcznej. Jego drużyna właśnie wygrała w derbach z RK Lokomotiva 32:29, a on upadł na atak serca tuż po tym, jak wygłosił oświadczenie dla mediów. Resuscytacja nie powiodła się. News Story.

10. 22.02.21 Portugalia. Nie żyje Alfredo Quintana (32 lata), kubański bramkarz w piłce ręcznej. Upadł po zatrzymaniu akcji serca podczas ćwiczeń. Zmarł cztery dni później. News Story.


Marzec 2021

11. 03.03.2021, Wallkill Central School, Nowy Jork, USA. Nie żyje Miguel Antonio Lugo (17) licealista upadł i zmarł podczas treningu piłkarskiego.

12. 08.03.21 Egipt. Zmarł Abdel-Rahman Atef (23). Piłkarz klubu Al-Rowad upadł i zginął podczas meczu jego drużyny w mieście Sharqiya. Połknął język i próby resuscytacji zakończyły się niepowodzeniem (brak przeszkolonego personelu). News Story.

13. 11/03/21 Illinois, USA. Nie żyje David Wakefield, (27) nowozelandzki krykiecista. Upadł podczas treningu z zapaleniem mięśnia sercowego. Przywrócony do życia za pomocą defibrylatora, hospitalizowany przez trzy tygodnie na oddziale intensywnej terapii, wymagał rozległej rehabilitacji, zanim mógł chodzić i mówić. News Story.

14. 19.03.21, Milton Keynes, Wielka Brytania. Raymond van Barneveld, gracz w rzutki upadł i otrzymał pomoc medyczną podczas PDC Championship. News Story.

15. 19.03.21 Charleston NC, USA. Nie żyje Joe Bradshaw, 19 lat, piłkarz z Charleston Southern University. Zapaść z zatrzymaniem akcji serca – płytki oddech.

16. 21.03.21 Charleston NC, USA. Zmarł Joe Bradshaw, 19 lat, piłkarz z Charleston Southern University. Zapaść z zatrzymaniem akcji serca – płytki oddech.

17. 20.03.21 Zmarł Andy Haman (54). Profesjonalny kulturysta i aktor zmarł na zator płucny. News Story.

18. 22.03.21, Sacramento Kalifornia, USA. Nie żyje Emmanual Antwi (18), piłkarz Kennedy High (Kanadyjczyk), upadł na boisku w Sacramento. Próby resuscytacji krążeniowo-oddechowej na polu nie powiodły się i zmarł.

19. 23.03.21 Moussa Dembélé (25), napastnik Atlético Madryt upadł podczas treningu i otrzymał pomoc medyczną. News Story.

20. 27.03.21 Stewarton, Szkocja. Nie żyje Laura Henderson (42 l.), zatrzymanie akcji serca podczas biegu. Zmarła kilka dni później w szpitalu. News Story.

21. 29.03.21 Indie. Zmarł Devaraj Anchan (33 l.). Siatkarz upadł trzymając się za klatkę piersiową podczas gry w turnieju i zmarł w drodze do szpitala w Udupi. News Story.

22. 30.03.21, Ghana. Charles Bulu Ghany sędzia załamał się podczas meczu AFCON. News StoryVideo.

23. 30.03.21, USA. Alex Stalock (34), bramkarz NHL Oilers wykluczony na sezon lub dłużej z powodu choroby serca. Dodatni wynik testu na COVID w listopadzie 2020 r., zdiagnozowano zapalenie mięśnia sercowego w marcu 2021 r. The AthleticNews Story.

24. 31.03.21 Stany Zjednoczone. Brett Smith, sędzia koszykówki NCAA w college’u, upadł podczas meczu. Hospitalizowany z zakrzepem krwi.

25. 31.03.21 Norwegia. Filip Ingebrigtsen (28) Norweski biegacz miał ciężki rok 2021 po reakcji na szczepionkę na koronawirusa. Ingebrigtsen otrzymał drugą dawkę szczepionki tuż po Igrzyskach Olimpijskich w Tokio. Jego celem był „powrót do normalności”, ale 17 października zajął 10. miejsce w wyścigu, który wygrał jego brat. News Story.

Dalsza część setek zgonów w angielskim oryginale.


Kwiecień 2021

  1. 06/04/2021, Callalen, Corpus Cristi (15), Dead
    Moira Claire Arney (15) McAllen High School female Soccer player collapsed and died during practice  News Story
  2. 06/04/21, Italy  (29), Dead
    Giuseppe Perrino (29), former professional footballer, collapsed and died during a charity match for his dead brother, Rocco.  News Story
  3. 9/04/21
    Bert Smith (56) NCAA men’s basketball Referee collapsed due to a blood clot in his lung during a tournament  News Story
  4. 12/04/21 Dead
    Dejan Oršuš (24), Croation NK Otok player, collapsed from a heart attack and later died in the Čakovec County Hospital.  News Story
  5. 18/04/21 Jamaica Dead
    Tremaine Stewart (Tan Tan) (32), Jamaican footballer with FC Dunbeholden. Collapsed and died during the kickaround before a match.  News Story
  6. 22/04/21,
    Craig Jones (29) Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu world champion black belt is unable to train or fight after a COVID injection
  7. 24/04/21, Dead
    Luis Ojeda (20), Argentine football player died unexpectedly  News Story
  8. 28/04/21, Atlanta, USA  (26)
    Brandon Goodwin (26), NBA player suffers blood clots shortly after COVID-19 shot, Possible end of career, still sidelined 7 months later.  News Story 

    May 2021

  9. 01/05/21 Florida, USA, Dead
    Nickolas Lawrinas (17), Footballer died suddenly and unexpectedly, cause given by media, unclear
  10. 7/05/21 USA
    Everest Romney (17) a healthy 6’9″ high school sophomore hospitalized after experiencing severe migraines and swelling in his neck post-vaccination . Within 24 hours of getting the vaccine, Everest began experiencing an “exorbitant amount” of pain and swelling in his neck that originated on the same side he received the vaccine. Everest’s dad experienced a similar reaction following a Moderna injection. An x-ray revealed he had over 100 blood clots in his lungs. News Story
  11. 10/05/21, Nottinghamshire, England,  Dead
    Josh Downie, (24), cricketer  died after heart attack at practice . His mother Helen said he had no known health problems. “It’s just completely out of the blue,” she said. “It doesn’t seem real at the moment. News Story
  12. 11/05/21 Germany,
    Miroslav Klose, 42, former Germany striker and assistant coach at Bayern Munich. Suffering from blood clots in his leg. Had to stop coaching. Apparently ll clear by September after medication and special socks.  News Story
  13. 14/05/21, Malaysia  Dead
    Haziq Kamaruddin (27), Olympian archer died of coronary artery disease. Died 10 days after Pfizer injections on 13th April and 4th May 2021  News Story
  14. 30/05/21 (exact date unknown, but prior to 01/06/21, when Christian Eriksen collapsed)
    Marvin Schumann, a Gifhorn amateur player revived after cardiac arrest.  News Story 

    June 2021

  15. 1/06/21, Denmark 29 years old
    Christian Eriksen(29), star Inter Milan footballer collapsed with cardiac arrest on the soccer pitch 12 days after receiving a Pfizer shot. Revived with defibrilator. News Story
  16. 04/06/21 Italy Dead
    Giuseppe Perrino, 29, from Fujimarino, Italy. Collapsed and died during a tribute game for his dead brother. Paramedics at the scene tried to resuscitate him, but were unsuccessful.  News Story
  17. 05/06/21 Russia Dead
    Maxim Ishkeldin (30), world field hockey champion, Russian national team midfielder, died suddenly in Novosibirsk, as a result of a clotting event.  News Story
  18. 07/06/21, Germany,  Dead
    Michael Schneider (38), Table tennis professional from Germany,  died suddenly and unexpectedly. News Story
  19. 9/06/21, Ontario Canada,  Dead
    Kamila Label-Farrel (19), University Basketball star died unexpectedly – while on a morning jog she collapsed while stretching  News Story
  20. 12/06/21 Italy Dead
    Chloe Giani Gavazzi (12), Italian youth tennis player, member of Golarsa Academy in Milan. Died suddenly. Found dead In her bed by her mother.  News Story
  21. 14/06/21, Indonesia,  Dead
    Marquis Kido (36), Indonesian Olympic gold medalist in double Badminton, died of heart attack during game News Story
  22. 17/06/21 France
    Frederic Lott, Salouël RC team in France, suffered cardiac arrest after a football training session in Salouel. Saved by heart massage and defibrillator.
  23. 18/06/21 Honduras Dead
    Robert Lima (49), former Olympia footballer from Uruguay, Honduras. Collapsed and died of cardiac arrest while playing soccer with friends.  News Story
  24. 19/06/21 Colombia, Dead
    Jose Edgar Preciado, Colombian caddie suffered a fatal heart attack at his hotel after the second round of the Holcim Colombia Classic in Bucaramanga, Colombia.  News Story
  25. 21/06/21,  Czech in France, Dead
    Sage Canaday (35), Czech TDS-145km ultra marathon runner died on the Mont Blanc trail with a bilateral pulmonary embolism and blood clots.. He was double vaccinated and started having problems in May after returning from a flight. After the Pfizer booster, he started to have difficulty breathing.  News Story
  26. 21/06/21 Hungary Dead
    Victor Marcel Hegedus (18), Hungarian soccer player. Collapsed and died during a training warm-up  News Story
  27. 23/06/21 France
    Christophe Lemeiter, French sprinter. Retired from French Championships and Tokyo Olympics. A coach said he failed a physical, after negative reactions to coronavirus vaccine.
  28. 25/06/21, USA
    Ethan Jovani Trejo (16), soccer player, collapsed on the field during training  News Story
  29. 26/06/21 Russia Dead
    Maxim Dubrovolski, 17, collapsed and lost consciousness during a Football League game. Moscow. Died before the ambulance arrived on the scene.  News Story
  30. 27/06/21, Singapore
    Unnamed teenager (16) suffered cardiac arrest after weightlifting session 6 days after first Covid-19 injection. He was in critical condition in hospital.  News Story
  31. 28/06/2021, Las Vegas, Nevada, Dead
    Chino Yelum Cajetan Nsofor (13) Football player collapsed and died during practice  News Story
  32. 28/06/21, (estimate) USA
    Kyle Warner: Professional mountain biker suffers from pericarditis after Pfizer shot, possible end of career (29) News Story 

    July 2021

  33. ??/07/21, Philadelphia PA, USA, Dead
    Ivan Hicks (16) Footballer died during scrimmage. Coroner found an enlarged heart and scarring, but no myocarditis or inflammation. Verdict cardiovascular disease. Tested positive for COVID.
  34. 03/07/21
    Chinelle Henry (26) collapsed on field with teammate Chedean Nation. Only a few days prior, the club boasted on Twitter that it was “Vaccinated and ready to face Pakistan Women! ” News Story
  35. 03/07/21
    Chedean Nation (35) collapsed on field with teammate Chinelle Henry. Only a few days prior, the club boasted on Twitter that it was “Vaccinated and ready to face Pakistan Women! ” News Story
  36. 04/07/21 Nagoya, Japan
    Ryōsuke Hirata (33), Japanese baseball player. Diagnosed with “atypical angina”
  37. 06/07/21, Japan  (27), Dead
    Yusuke Kinoshita (27) Baseball player collapsed during practice. Died 03/08/2021, five weeks after COVID-19 vaccination
  38. 08/07/21, Toronto, Canada,  Dead
    Jenn Gouveia (31), Toronto mother, collapsed and died suddenly  on Sunday while out for a run in High Park News Story
  39. 10/07/21 Dead
    Mike Salase (39), Northland rugby league player died while playing a game. CPR attempts failed News Story
  40. 12/07/21 Jaroslaw, Poland Dead
    Vladimir Dorozhkin, 38 years old, coach and athlete. Died the same day as he got the COVID vaccine. “Vaccinated just after noon, died at midnight. Cardiomyopathy.  News Story
  41. 12/07/21 Egypt Dead
    Imad Bayoumi, footballer from Egypt. Collapsed and died during a friendly match in Egypt, a tribute to his friend Ayman Handal who died earlier.  News Story
  42. 13/07/21 Dubai Dead
    Chris Eubank (29), boxer, son of famous boxer, Sebastian Eubank, died of heart attack . News Story
  43. 13/07/2021, Pennsylvania, USA (17) , Dead
    Andrew Roseman, Junior High School Baseball Pitcher died unexpectedly,  News Story
  44. 15/07/21 Dead
    Arthur Zucolini (29), former basketballer. Died of cardiac arrest while sleeping. News Story
  45. 18/07/21 Portugal Dead
    Marilio Costa Leite (48), Portuguese professional long-distance runner. Died two days after receiving a Pfizer COVID vaccine. His body was found in a ravine.  News Story
  46. 19/07/21 UK Dead
    Maqsood Anwar (44), British cricket athlete from Wales. Had a heart attack and died. Paramedics tried to revive him for 45 minutes, unsuccessfully.  News Story
  47. 21/07/21, USA (31)
    Kjeld Nuis (31) Two time Olympic Gold Medalist and World Record holder speed skater develops pericarditis after Pfizer shot News Story
  48. 23/07/21, Germany  (27), Dead
    Tim B. (27) SV Hamberge football player from (Schleswig-Holstein) collapsed after returning from a football tournament and died   News Story
  49. 24/07/21, Germany  (unknown age)
    Unnamed football player of TuS Hoberge-Uerentrup Bielefeld (NRW) collapsed on the pitch with cardiac arrest   News Story
  50. 24/07/2021, Little Rock, Arkansas, Dead
    Devon DuHart (16) football player mysteriously died of a seizure in his sleep. He was not well after a recent practice.  News Story
  51. 25/07/21 Charles City, Indiana, USA
    Carly Stevenson Wartburg College shot put and discus athlete collapsed and was rushed to hospital with blood clots in her lungs and heart. She had trouble speaking and breathing and then her heart stopped. She was resuscitated three times. She lost her balance, head control, hand and arm movements, and communication skills. News Story
  52. 26/07/21 Netherlands Dead
    Whitnee Abriska (19), female handball professional passes away after cardiac arrest while on vacation. News Story
  53. 28/07/21, Germany  (16), Dead
    Jascha Zey (16) U19 player of Eisbachtaler Sportfreunde (Rhineland-Palatinate) died suddenly and unexpectedly in hospital  News Story
  54. 28/07/21, Georgia, USA  (15), Dead
    Joshua Ivory (15) Football player collapsed and died during game. Coroner’s report said cardiac dysrhythmia triggered sudden cardiac arrest.  News Story
  55. 31/07/21 USA
    Daniel Brito (23), the Phillies minor-league infielder had been hospitalized since collapsing on the field with a stroke. News Story
  56. 31/07/21 Dead
    Sofia Graham (27) preparing to compete at 2021 NPC North Americans and NPC USA’s. Died of a heart attack in her sleep  News Story 

    August 2021

  57. 02/08/21, Detroit USA, 15 years old, Dead
    Stephen Sylvester (15), Detroit Central Catholic High School football and track athlete collapsed and died during conditioning practice
  58. 04/08/21, Kansas, USA, 19 years old, Dead
    Tirrell Williams (19) Fort Scott freshman lineman died after collapsing with a stroke on field during practice  News Story  News Story2
  59. 06/08/2021, Germany
    Unnamed SpVgg. Oelde II District league player collapsed on field revived by his opponent, Julian Pietsch from VfB Schloß Holte 2.  News Story
  60. 07/08/21, Belgium
    Rune Coghe (18), Belgian  KFC Eendracht Hooglede footballer suffers cardiac arrest on pitch News Story
  61. 08/08/21 Dead
    John Meadows (49) Bodybuilder AKA ‘Mountain Dog’ died of ‘blood clot’ News Story
  62. 08/08/21, Georgia, USA  (19), Dead
    Quandarius Wilburn (19), Football player collapsed during a Panthers conditioning practice and later died. He appeared to be in very good physical condition when he reported to his first college preseason camp.  News Story News Story2
  63. 10/08/21 Australia
    Chris Cairns (51), New Zealand cricketer suffered a massive heart attack and a ruptured aorta. He underwent heart surgery and was taken to a Sydney hospital for further vascular surgery.  News Story
  64. 12/08/21, New Zealand , Dead
    Lee Moses (29) Palmerston North Marist football player died during training session  News Story
  65. 12/08/21, Germany
    Unnamed female Freudenberg footballer collapses in women’s Westfalenliga Wacker Mecklenbeck against Fortuna Freudenberg (Baden-Würrtemberg) shortly before the end without opposing influence  News Story
  66. 13/08/21, France  (37), Dead
    Franck Berrier (37) former French professional footballer collapsed of a heart attack while playing tennis. He retired in 2019 due to heart problems.  News Story
  67. 13/08/21, UK, Dead
    Roy Butler (23), Irish footballer Watford FC dies with massive brain bleed after J&J vaccine. He suffered severe headaches and general malaise within one hour. By Saturday August 14, he was vomiting and having convulsions.  News Story
  68. 14/08/21, USA  (17), Dead
    Dimitri McKee (17) Lee High School Football player passed out and died after practice, News stories attributed his death to heatstroke  News Story
  69. 14/08/21, Kenya  (23), Dead
    23 year old China Olympics Champion Gilbert Kwemoi collapsed in his home (after a short illness) and claimed he had a headache. He died on the way to hospital,  News Story
  70. 15/08/21, Spain Dead
    Alena Hatvani-Kosinová (46), Czech female bodybuilder died after being rushed to hospital in Alicante, Spain. News Story
  71. 15/08/21,
    Jeremy Chardy (34), Veteran French tennis player, Former World No. 25, suspended his season after “Violent, near paralyzing pain” after Covid-19 vaccine in mid-August. News Story  News Story2
  72. 15/08/21 Italy Dead
    Marco Tampwo (19), Atletico Fioghi footballer from Rome, died of a cardiac arrest. News Story
  73. 16/08/21, France  (24)
    Samuel Kalu (24) Bordeaux pro footballer suffers cardiac arrest during a game  News Story
  74. 16/08/21, Germany (62)
    Manfred Lehner (62) SV Niederpöring (Bayern) goalkeeping coach suffers heart attack after training  News Story
  75. 18/08/21, Belgium
    Joppe Erpels (vaccinated) from Arendonk ended up in intensive care after a race.  Three young Belgian (Kempen) cyclists suffer heart issues following a race.  Riders from Acrog-Tormans BC. Joppe Erpels from Arendonk ended up in intensive care, Xander Verhagen from Geel had problems at training and Yarno Van Herck suddenly felt stabbing in his chest during the Herman Vanspringel Diamond.  News Story
  76. 18/08/21, Belgium
    Xander Verhagen (vaccinated) from Geel had problems at training.  Three young Belgian (Kempen) cyclists suffer heart issues following a race.  Riders from Acrog-Tormans BC. Joppe Erpels from Arendonk ended up in intensive care, Xander Verhagen from Geel had problems at training and Yarno Van Herck suddenly felt stabbing in his chest during the Herman Vanspringel Diamond.  News Story
  77. 18/08/21, Belgium
    Yarno Van Herck (vaccinated) suddenly felt stabbing in his chest during the Herman Vanspringel Diamond.  Three young Belgian (Kempen) cyclists suffer heart issues following a race.  Riders from Acrog-Tormans BC. Joppe Erpels from Arendonk ended up in intensive care, Xander Verhagen from Geel had problems at training and Yarno Van Herck suddenly felt stabbing in his chest during the Herman Vanspringel Diamond.  News Story
  78. 18/08/21, Belgium
    Jente van Genechten (25), footballer collapses on field due to cardiac arrest  News Story
  79. 19/08/21 UK Dead
    Alex Bruce (20), English rugby league player. Found dead in hotel room the morning after his pro rugby league debut. News Story
  80. 20/08/21 Dead
    Orlando Gallucci (49), Personal trainer and athlete died of cardiac arrest after the 2021 NPC Worldwide European Championships News Story
  81. 22/08/21,
    Fabrice N’Sakala (31), Besiktas defender collapses on pitch during game News Story
  82. 22/08/21, UK (29)
    Pedro Obiang (29), ex-West Ham star suffers myocarditis 10 days post-vaccine News Story
  83. 22/08/21, Italy  (38)
    Francesca Marcon (38), Italian volleyball player suffered pericarditis after 2nd Pfizer shot. shortness of breath and chest pains News Story
  84. 22/08/21, Venezuela  (30), Dead
    Alexaida Guedez (30), Venezuelan National Marathon Champion collapsed and died in a 5k race  News Story
  85. 22/08/21 Slovenia Dead
    Aidan Sharanovich (45) former Primorja striker also played in Slovenian league for Primoria. Suffered a severe heart attack, resuscitated, died several days later.  News Story
  86. 23/08/21, USA  Dead
    Jimmy Hayes (31), former Bruins player unexpectedly dies. He had Cocaine and Fentanyl in his system.  News Story
  87. 24/08/2021, Luxembourg
    José dos Reis (29) collapsed on the field and was resuscitated  News Story
  88. 24/08/21, USA Dead
    Jack Alkhatib (18), Columbia High school footballer collapsed on the field and died  News Story
  89. 25/08/21 New York, USA
    Vinny Curry (33), New York Jets defensive end will miss entire 2021 season. Diagnosed with a rare blood disorder in July and removal of his spleen, Twitter post. Planned to return mid-September but developed blood clots and started blood thinners – no physical contact for 3-6 months. News Story
  90. 29/08/21, USA Dead
    Donadrian Robinson (Donnie) (17), Columbia High school footballer died  News Story
  91. 29/08/21, Germany  (unknown age)
    Unnamed Germany C-League Dillenburg a player from Hirzenhain collapses, game cancelled News Story



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